Songs > Bluesta

The Muddy Waters album 'Hard Again' was the first music that totally "got" me as a listener. I instantly became a blues hound and searched insatiably for more of this soul food, discovering many more sensational flavours in funk, soul, R&B - the original type that has both rhythm and blues...

Bluesta explores a wide range of blues styles, with raw delta style tunes through to explosive band tracks with horn sections and BVs and wailing guitars.



The Bluesta CD was digitally released late 2015 and since then, Bluesta has been performing around the Sydney and festival circuits. As always, big thanks go to my family of musos who have helped bring these songs to life. Andy Byrnes and Marty Jones on drums, Rob Sullivan and Bruce Reid on guitars, Lionel "Lino" Robinson and Baher Shenouda on keys as well as great vocal performances from Andy O' Donnell, Pat Powell, Big Blind Ray, Shannon Reynolds and more.

Videos from the Bluesta collection

Right Time from the Bluesta collection
Get some love into your life with some soul pop happiness from Bluesta

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