Songs > Sampla

Sampla is a mix of everything. 

The first release in the Songsta series was the  Sampla album and featured songs taken from all the Songsta styles. It is a taster for some of the music you might hear on any one of the featured CDs or playlists and is a good place to start listening to the Songsta sound in all it's diversity.

Coming soon to this page is a collection of unreleased work that doesn't fit into any of the genres or is awaiting a place in a finishe dalbum somewhere down the line. Find those songs in another jukebox below the Sampla album.

The Sampla album 




The Sampla CD was released in 2007 and features a different line-up on every song. The musicians chosen to record were picked specifically for what their talent could bring to that particular track, especially with the vocalists. There are also the Songsta regular collaborators including drummers Marty Jones and Andy Byrnes, Lionel Robinson on pianos and keys, Rob Sullivan on guitars and Robin Grille on percussion.

Videos from the Sampla collection

Wishlist a song of wishes for the world
from the Popsta collection

Live Love
From the Sampla and Popsta collections, an electro groover featuring Nikki-Doll and Wire MC.
Live Love. It's what the world needs more of.

From the Jazzsta collection, a dedication to the Swing era - the music, the musicians and the style.

Come On Come On
From the Sampla and Groovsta collections, a funky little ditty.
Come On Come On, let's go out tonight